NYC’s Weekend Show Roundup!

Cloud Cult, Fort Wilson Riot @ (le) poisson rouge

VHS or Beta (DJ Set), Das Pop @ Brooklyn Bowl

The Chain Gang of 1974, Sigmund Droid, Yanqui @ Glasslands

Devo, The Drums, The Neon Trees @ Hammerstein Ballroom

DOM, The Smith Westerns, Yellow Fever, Total Slacker, Sweet Bulbs @ Station 171

Frightened Rabbit, Plants and Animals, The Phantom Band @ Terminal 5

Allo Darlin @ The Rock Shop

Local Natives, The Ruby Suns, The Union Line @ Webster Hall

Delicate Steve, Golden Ages, Crinkles, Lawrence Welks and Our Bear To Cross @ Cake Shop

The Dresden Dolls @ Irving Plaza

Robbers on High Street (as ELO), Black Dragon, Blue Album Group, Gross Relations @ Mercury Lounge

The Felice Brothers, Adam H. Stephens of Two Gallants @ Music Hall of Williamsburg

Das Racist, The Beets and more! @ Ridgewood Temple

Back Up North. Air Waves Interview.

Winter isn’t here yet and Air Waves are already mapping out pins for the new year. Air Waves is a music project created by Nicole Schneit, who has been undergoing a fluctuating capsule of transitioning band members and tasting the crowd of southern habitat. Still, her heart-warming lyrics and catchy head-bopping tunes set themselves apart from the uniformed nature of indie-pop.

It is known that you moved away to Austin at the end of this past summer, what brings you back to New York?

We have an album coming out really soon, so we thought it would be nice to play for a little bit before it is released.

What made you decide to move away from New York?

My girlfriend lives in Austin and we had been long-distance for about two years, so she was going to come here, but I have lived in New York my whole life, so I decided to move there. I’m coming back in February.

Did you grow up in the city?

I was raised in Nyack, New York, it’s about an hour away. I moved to the city and lived here for about eight years in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

Have your writing techniques changed with the move?

I’d been playing more guitar and keyboard, because it’s a bit more accessible in the house. I’m trying out different instruments, which is really fun. I enjoy when people take on instruments they don’t really have an idea of how to play. When I play guitar it’s more of a repetition and me playing the same chords and songs, so I’ve been doing more experimenting than songwriting. It’s been less lyrical living in Austin so far.

Is it more difficult to write music in Brooklyn or Austin?

Neither, but in Austin I have more privacy.

How would you describe your music to someone from another planet and who has  never heard it before?

Another planet, like ET? (laughs)Minimal pop, or something similar to that.

With the departure of your last drummer, you have transitional band members, who writes most of the material?

I write the songs on my guitar and the lyrical content, then I bring it to the band and they  take off from there and come up with their part.

Do you have a new drummer on the rise?

We’re looking, no luck so far. We’re trying to figure out if we need someone who lives in Austin or in New York, and it’s difficult because we’re going to be touring a lot.

What do you enjoy about being a part of the CMJ?

It’s really cool to see all of my friends. Even though Austin feels like the music capital right now, nowhere else has as many bands and as much creativity as New York. Even in Austin, when I go to shows and play there, the same people go, I can only really play there once a month, not more than that. In New York, there is a different crowd every time.

You’re currently touring here, on the East Coast, where are you most excited about performing your tunes?

Vermont! I just love it , it’s so pretty there and I’m excited to drive through there this time of the year. I don’t even know anything about the venue.

Do you have plans to tour the West?

Yes, probably January or February.

What is your favorite song to perform  live?

Newest material is always the most fun to perform to see if people like it and share the freshness of it. Right now it’s this song “Ride.”

Which song do the fans ask the most for?

Definitely “Shine On.” I haven’t been playing it that much. (laughs)

How have you been adjusting to the music scene outside of New York?

It’s been very hard. I don’t really have band members there. I’ve played two shows with Adam from Yellow Fever. I can’t say I’ve totally found a nitch there yet. I’m just glad to be working on my music inside my home, playing in Austin will come later.

-Viktorsha Uliyanova