MGMT Release Video for “Flash Delirium” (and Some MGMT vs LCD Soundsystem – “All My Children” (Immuzikation Remix) For You Too!)

MGMT. You’ve won. After personally being a bit skeptical about the upcoming record Congratulations (Columbia), I think this morning was the deciding factor. The glam clad boys have released the first video from the record for “Flash Delirium.” It’s not overly flashly for once. It’s artsy, and really brings the song to a new level. Ben Goldwasser finally comes into his own as an actor (haha) as Andrew VanWyngarden plays the sidekick to his creepy “Welcome Home,” party. It’s just not right to reveal everything in the video, because then it would ruin everything, right?

Take a peak HERE AND WATCH!
Congratulations is due out April 13th.

Also check out one of our favorite MGMT remix/mashups ever of MGMT vs LCD Soundsystem – “All My Children” (Immuzikation Remix) Make it an MGMT day. Your coworkers and roomates will love you for it. Maybe.

MGMT vs LCD Soundsystem – All My Children (Immuzikation Remix) by modernmysteryblog

New MGMT Song,”Flash Delirium.” Gone is the Electric Feel…

I’m not sure what to make of the new MGMT song. Titled “Flash Delirium,” it sounds nothing like their prior work. This of course can be seen as a good and bad thing. The good being that the group has evolved into another animal. The bad being, well, it comes off a bit as an Of Montreal copy. Yes we know that the boys are tight with Barnes and Co., but what we didn’t expect is this. Where is the dance beats we’ve grown to love? Why are there flutes in the song? (That’s right, flutes). I guess we’ll have to hear the whole album to come to a final decision but right now MGMT  has us a bit baffled. Will they be able to come out of their sophomore slump with a victory? Wait and see.

Download “Flash Delirium,” and check out the band’s second record, Congratulations (Columbia) due out April 8th.

MGMT to Release “Congratulations”

It’s been over two years since glam band MGMT released their first record, and now they are finally set to return. The band will put out their second LP titled Congratulations (Columbia), on April 13th. This was certainly a best kept secret for a while and the official news only leaked out early this week. The album is all set to be released with only nine songs that are said to flow together perfectly (take a look at some of the oddball names below).

“It’s Working,” “Song for Dan Treacy,” “Someone’s Missing,” “Flash Delirium,” “I Found a Whistle,” “Siberian Breaks,” “Brian Eno,” “Lady Dada’s Nightmare,” and “Congratulations.”

This time around the duo of Andrew Vanwyngarden and Ben Goldwasser are were joined in the studio by their live backing band, fully rounding out the sound. Congratulations was produced by MGMT and Sonic Boom from Spacemen 3. This will certainly be a make or break record for the band, but we think they’ll do just fine. Check back to in the near future for MGMT updates and tour dates!