Men Make Music, Releasing “Talk About Body” in 2011

Remember how awesome Le Tigre was? The left-wing sociopolitical electroclash group from the late 90’s paved the way for feminists who really like dancing and dancers who really like feminist lyrics.

Enter MEN, former Le Tigre member, JD Samson’s new outfit alongside Michael O’Neill (Ladybug Transistor, Princess) and Ginger Brooks Takahashi (LTTR, The Ballet).

Preparing to release their debut in February 2011, Talk About Body (IAMSOUND), MEN have released a video for the single “Off Our Backs” to critical acclaim.

A bend towards political-pop, MEN offers a platform for issues such as wartime economies, sexual compromise, and the demand for liberties in synth heavy post-punk, post-gender songs.

Talk About Body mixes complex songs for the dance floor or political rally with anthemic, addictive lyrics and dance floor beat. MEN positions a postmodern take on queer lifestyle and a fresh approach to pop music.