New Jersey’s Marla Lewis is currently captivating listeners worldwide with her latest single, “Te Quiero a Ti.”

This mesmerizing new track, offered in both Spanish and English, showcases Marla’s exquisite bossa nova-inspired vocals, which are perfectly complemented by a rich and sophisticated arrangement.

The song features a lush ensemble of flute, piano, acoustic bass, electric guitar, drums, and backing vocals. The result is an evocative experience that captures the soul of romance, some vulnerability, and the carefree spirit of a holiday with its warm melodious embrace.

Marla has a very diverse set of influences in her music, including Ella Fitzgerald and The Beatles, and she has carved a unique path for herself bringing elements of big band, global folk music and smooth jazz together. A 25 year old tenure as an elementary school teacher ignited her passion for creating fun, educational and engaging songs for children, leading to accolades like featuring on the Grammy award winning album “All About Bullies … Big and Small” with her song “Leap of Faith.”

Transitioning into smooth jazz and American standards, Marla’s recent releases have captivated a global audience, including her latest hit “Te Quiero a Ti,” which has soared with much acclaim on indie music charts.

We caught up with Marla to discuss the music video to accompany her new single release, “Te Quiero A Ti.” 

Watch and share the Official “Te Quiero a Ti” music video:

1.Tell us the story of this song. Why did you choose to visualize it specifically in this way?

This is the story about how you feel when pure love appears in your life, when you find someone who loves you the way you are, and makes you feel as one with every step you take. One look into each other’s eyes and you can see how you have met your match.

I visualized the video with this beautiful feeling in mind, to empower this marvelous song.

2. What inspired this video (visuals, storyline, etc.)?

This video shows different couples from all cultures having the same experience of deep love.

I aimed to awaken this feeling in all who watch it. 

3. What was the process of making this video?

Like with any song, you need absorb yourself in it, choosing the exact image for every phrase, taking the all the time you need, and putting in all your love for the best result.

The first draft of the video had too many people of the same race and culture; it wasn’t until a friend commented on this that I revised it and made it for all the world.

 Listen to “Te Quiero a Ti” on Spotify now!

Connect with Marla Lewis: Website. //  Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Spotify // Soundcloud // YouTube Music.

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